virtualbox uuid
Oracle VM UUID Hatası
Hatanın tamamı: Error Failed to start the virtual machine Centos Mirror. Medium ‘/home/ecamalan/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/Centos .vdi’ is not accessible. UUID {a1a9fad7-0402-4867-b8f3-39fb49454bc5} of the medium ‘/home/ecamalan/.VirtualBox/vm.vbox Bu durumda yapmanız gereken Vbox ve virtualbox.xml deki UUID lerin tuttuğundan emin olmak. VBoxManage showhdinfo Centos_disk1.vmdk UUID: 9b598e2e-254d-456c-a25f-fe5ae1ec8196 Parent UUID: base State: created Type: normal (base) Location: /home/ecamalan/VirtualBox VMs/Centos/Centos_disk1.vmdk Storage format: […]